Advocacy Never Sleeps
Our mission:
“As a cultural institution, we preserve the history of Griffin and Spalding County, educate the community about our collective historical narrative, and inspire residents to participate in our heritage.”
We seek:
Local residents and businesses to participate in and/or sponsor our local Architectural / Historical / Cultural Preservation & Impact
On a Quarterly basis, our Society offers both Educational Luncheons and Spirited Connection Opportunities to get things going.
Our next Learning & Preservation Programs are:
April Quarterly Luncheon with Haley Swindle, Director of the Our Legacy Museum
April 6, 2025
Our Legacy Museum, 547 N. 3rd Street Griffin, Georgia 30223
Our next Social Events:
Mary King Smalley Garden 30th Anniversary Shrimp Boil
May 2, 2025
6 p.m.
Patrons' Party
Upcoming Events

All at the Bailey-Tebault House. Public always welcome!
Contact: 770-229-2432 | gshs196@gmail.com for details and times.
Set up your own tour of the Bailey-Tebault House!
48-hour notice required
Suggested $10 donation per person, or $25 for families, cash or card
Contact: 770-229-2432 | gshs196@gmail.com