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Founded in 1969, the Griffin-Spalding Historical Society seeks to preserve and share local stories of the area’s past, present, and future.  Through advocacy for significant historic preservation projects, engaging quarterly programs, thoughtful archival collections, and frequent special events, we educate the community on its collective heritage.


In this active role, we do things that inspire (not limit) economic impact, and educate the community on how to participate to preserve local Architectural / Historical / Cultural heritage.

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Here are the things we do, plan to do, and have accomplished in the past.


On an ongoing basis, The Historical Society:

  • Functions as ongoing curator for Historic events in the area

  • Provides Archival counsel & support for Spalding County, City of Griffin, City Historian

  • Works with local Land Bank Authority to advise regarding specific properties that need to be saved not razed

  • Works with Downtown Griffin Historic Preservation Commission to maintain the historic character of the Downtown Historic District

  • Provides architectural counsel & support for the G+S Business & Tourism Association architectural tourism page on website.

  • Assists with the fundraising for the historic preservation of the local Rosenwald School and the launch of the Griffin-Spalding African-American History Museum | Our Legacy Museum

  • Recommends local endangered properties to Georgia Trust Places In Peril

  • Facilitates meetings and provides guidance to the local Junior Guild

  • Facilitates meetings and coordinates with local Daughters of the American Revolution

  • Manages the Southside Genealogical Society (which we founded) for researching family histories

  • Hosts Quarterly luncheons to promote the preservation and history of Griffin-Spalding

  • Hosts Spirited Connection Opportunities for member and potential member networking

  • Runs seven action committees for members to apply their talents

  • Solicits sponsorships of our events and activities

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Current/Future Special Initiatives include:

Historic Plaque Program
A Griffin-Spalding Historical Society Inaugural Plaque symbolizes architectural and/or historical significance to our community.  Our plaque recognizes not only the importance of a property, it honors the people associated with that property. The award and ultimate purchase of a plaque constitutes an honor worth evaluating.
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Historical Library & Archives 
Our goal is to maintain a central Historical Archive/Library for public use. We are digitizing our current historical library content and creating a dedicated library room to house our collection upstairs at the Bailey-Tebault House.
Local Slave Quarters Preservation 
We have recruited a diverse committee of local leaders to help plan the restoration and eventual promotion of the only former Slave Cabins in Central Georgia. (These cabins happen to be on the grounds of our Bailey-Tebault House.) 

The restoration of the cabins and any historical exhibits we develop will be an effective teaching tool for our local students.  We will consider engaging local teachers in the cabin restoration project, in the development of the exhibits, and in understanding how they could best use this site in their curriculum.

Rare Materials Preservation 
We plan to document and catalog known local historic artifacts and advise local renovators re: available salvage resour
ces for restoration and re-use in historic preservation. The goal is two-fold: to create a Resource Package for preservation-minded Griffin-Spalding developers and newcomers, and to inspire re-implementation of magnificent architectural details that otherwise might become lost forever.
Local Slave Dwellings Preservation 
We have recruited a diverse committee of local leaders to help plan the restoration of one of the few remaining former Slave Dwellings in Central Georgia-- located at our own Bailey-Tebault House.  These restored structures and associated historical exhibits would serve as an effective teaching tool for students and visitors alike.  We plan to engage local teachers in the dwelling restoration project and the development of the exhibits to better understand how this site could compliment their curriculum.

Click here to learn more and support Our 2024 Slave Dwelling Initiative

Restore Confederate Camp Stephens again (The Tornado destroyed our first effort)


Re-engage to find new owner for The Griffin’s second hospital located on Meriwether Street, commonly referred to as the “Haisten’s Building”  


Establish a New Historic District  Having sought and received a Grant from GSBTA, we are working with consultants to determine the ideal local areas to establish a new residential Historic District.


Create a Historic Griffin-Spalding Foundation Revolving Fund  We plan to expand our ability to restore and rehab historically important properties.


Encourage New Local Entertainment Production  We are leading and coordinating efforts with County and City personnel plus local business leaders to encourage more film/TV/commercial production into the area.


Organize architectural heritage/preservation related travel opportunities


Expand the Southside Genealogical Society


Strengthen our preservation relationships with local leaders and organizations

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Past Special Initiatives include:


Researched and created a historical list of famous Architects that have impacted the area. 


Advocated and facilitated inclusion on the local Spalding Co National Trust Properties


Advocated and facilitated implementation the Spalding Co Historical Markers 


Renovated Confederate Camp Stevens (before pre-tornado damage)


Assisted City of Griffin to restore Historic City Hall


Actively promoted to locate two new owners to save two significant Gilman Drake Houses (S. Hill and Poplar)


Serves as a catalyst for rehabilitation and resale of several Poplar Street historic residences.


Advocated for Haistens Building inclusion as a Statewide Place in Peril, leading to a sale.


Placement of Griffin’s historic City Hall on the GA Trust’s Places in Peril List


Successful lobbying of SPLOST projects that promote historical preservation including the Restoration of the Historic City Hall and Griffin’s Rosenwald School (known as the Fairmont School)


Hosted a Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation Ramble, which brought over 300 preservation  -minded people from across the state to Griffin to tour historic buildings and homes


Assisted in the funding to prepare the application for historic status for downtown Griffin. This designation was eventually awarded in 1988.


Purchased the Ison House.  This was the home of Frances Marion Ison.  It is thought to be the oldest brick house in Griffin.


Purchased additional property adjacent to the Camp Stephens historical site. The additional property included original breastworks.


Purchased Middle Georgia Medical College building and later resold with a deed restriction preventing any exterior alterations.


Assumed deed for The Chapman-Kincaid-Hunt house, scheduled for demolition. The Historical Society found an owner that was willing to relocate the house and prevent its demolition.


Saved The Dean House at East College and Hill Street from demolition. The house was purchased and relocated several blocks away on a lot purchased by the organization.


Saved the Lewis Mills House on North Hill Street from demolition due to its dilapidated condition. Property purchased by the Historical Society and restored as their original headquarters.

"I am encouraged that so many of our Board members, Society members, and prospective Society members want to see even more robust preservation work done here in Griffin-Spalding."

Kirby Sisk, GSHS President

Griffin Spalding Historical Society

P.O. Box 196 ∙ 633 Meriwether Street, Griffin, Georgia 30224

770-229-2432 ∙

Located  in The Bailey-Tebault House.

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